############# POLY Example 1 ############# VERSION 1 # Currently, this should only be 1. ###### DEFINITIONS # Supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' # Can also be omitted or NULL to not override the current track name, e.g. "TRACKNAME NULL" TRACKNAME Blofeld # Can be POLY, DRUM, MPE, or NULL TYPE POLY # Can be A, B, C, D, USBD, USBH, CVGx (x between 1&4), CVx, Gx, or NULL OUTPORT NULL # Can be x (between 1-16), or NULL -- this is ignored if output port is not MIDI OUTCHAN NULL # Can be NONE, ALLACTIVE, A, B, USBH, USBD, CVG, or NULL INPORT NONE # Can be x (between 1-16), ALL, or NULL -- ignored if INPORT is NONE, ALLACTIVE or CVG INCHAN ALL # This defines the default 'MAX RATE' for automation lanes. # Can be NULL, 192, 96, 64, 48, 32, 24, 16, 12, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 MAXRATE NULL # PC # Syntax: NUMBER NAME # number must be either: # - A number (for simple PC) # - Three numbers, delimited by ':', which represent PC:MSB:LSB. You can put 'NULL' to not set the MSB/LSB. # PC must be between 1...128 # MSB/LSB must be between 0...127 [PC] 1 INIT 1:1:NULL BANKB_PATCH2 #for the blofeld, MSB sets the bank, PC sets the patch [/PC] # CC # Syntax: CC_NUMBER NAME or CC_NUMBER:DEFAULT=xx NAME # DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127 [CC] 0 BaSelMSB 1 ModWheel 2 Breath Ctrl 4 Foot Ctrl 5 GlideRate 7 ChVolume 10 Pan 12 ArpRange 13 ArpLength 14 ArpActive 15 LFO1Shape 16 LFO1Speed 17 LFO1Sync 18 LFO1Delay 19 LFO2Shape 20 LFO2Speed 21 LFO2Sync 22 LFO2Delay 23 LFO3Shape 24 LFO3Speed 25 LFO3Sync 26 LFO3Delay 27 Osc1Octave 28 Osc1Semitone 29 Osc1Detune 30 Osc1FM 31 Osc1Shape 32 BaSelLSB 33 Osc1PW 34 Osc1PWM 35 Osc2Octave 36 Osc2Semitone 37 Osc2Detune 38 Osc2FM 39 Osc2Shape 40 Osc2PW 41 Osc2PWM 42 Osc3Octave 43 Osc3Semitone 44 Osc3Detune 45 Osc3FM 46 Osc3Shape 47 Osc3PW 48 Osc3PWM 49 Sync 50 Pitchmod 51 Glide Mode 52 Osc1Level 53 Osc1Balance 54 RingLevel 55 RingBalance 56 Osc2Level 57 Osc2Balance 58 Osc3Level 59 Osc3Balance 60 NoiseLevel 61 NoiseBalance 62 NoiseColour 64 SustPedal 65 GlideActive 66 Sostenuto 67 Routing 68 F1Type 69 F1Cutoff 70 F1Resonance 71 F1Drive 72 F1Keytrack 73 F1EnvAmount 74 F1EnvVelocity 75 F1CutoffMod 76 F1FM 77 F1Pan 78 F1Panmod 79 F2Type 80 F2Cutoff 81 F2Resonance 82 F2Drive 83 F2Keytrack 84 F2EnvAmount 85 F2EnvVelocity 86 F2CutoffMod 87 F2FM 88 F2Pan 89 F2Panmod 90 AmpVolume 91 AmpVelocity 92 AmpMod 93 FX1Mix 94 FX2Mix 95 FEAttack 96 FEDec 97 FESust 98 FEDec2 99 FESust2 100 FERelease 101 AEAttack 102 AEDec 103 AESust 104 AEDec2 105 AESust2 106 AERelease 107 E3Attack 108 E3Dec 109 E3Sust 110 E3Dec2 111 E3Sust2 112 E3Release 113 E4Attack 114 E4Dec 115 E4Sust 116 E4Dec2 117 E4Sust2 118 E4Release 120 SoundsOff 121 ResetControllers 122 LocalControl 123 NotesOff [/CC] # This section will be readable from Hapax. [COMMENT] Blofeld can be in multimode, chan 1...16 control their respective sound [/COMMENT]