VERSION 1 # Currently, this should only be 1. # Supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL TRACKNAME NULL # Can be POLY, DRUM, MPE, or NULL TYPE NULL # Can be A, B, C, D, USBD, USBH, CVGx (x between 1&4), CVx, Gx, or NULL OUTPORT NULL # Can be x (between 1-16), or NULL -- this is ignored if output port is not MIDI OUTCHAN NULL # Can be NONE, ALLACTIVE, A, B, USBH, USBD, CVG, or NULL INPORT NULL # Can be x (between 1-16), ALL, or NULL. This definition will be ignored if INPORT is NONE, ALLACTIVE or CVG INCHAN NULL # This defines the default 'MAX RATE' for automation lanes. # Can be NULL, 192, 96, 64, 48, 32, 24, 16, 12, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 MAXRATE NULL # DRUMLANES # Syntax: ROW:TRIG:CHAN:NOTENUMBER NAME # ROW must be between 1 and 8 # TRIG can be between 0 and 127, or NULL # CHAN can be a number between 1 and 16, Gx, CVx, CVGx (x between 1 and 4), or NULL # NOTENUMBER can be between 0 and 127, or NULL # NAME supports all alphanumeric ASCII, and ' ', '_', '-', '+' - can also be NULL # Please note this section will be discarded for tracks which are not DRUM tracks [DRUMLANES] [/DRUMLANES] # PC # Syntax: NUMBER NAME # number must be either: # - A number (for simple PC) # - Three numbers, delimited by ':', which represent PC:MSB:LSB. You can put 'NULL' to not set the MSB/LSB. # PC must be between 1...128 # MSB/LSB must be between 0...127 [PC] [/PC] # CC # Syntax: CC_NUMBER NAME or CC_NUMBER:DEFAULT=xx NAME # DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127 [CC] [/CC] # CC Pair # Syntax: CC_MSB:CC_LSB NAME or CC_MSB:CC_LSB:DEFAULT=xx NAME # DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 16383 [CC_PAIR] [/CC_PAIR] # NRPN # Syntax: "MSB:LSB:DEPTH NAME" or "MSB:LSB:DEPTH:DEFAULT=xx NAME" # Lsb & msb should be between 0 and 127 # Note: LSB can be over 127 ONLY if MSB is 0 or omitted # e.g. '0:1026:7 FOO', or ':2000:7 BAR' # the examples above would be equivalent to '8:2:7 FOO' and '15:80:7 BAR' respectively # DEPTH can be 7 or 14 # For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs) [NRPN] [/NRPN] # ASSIGN # Syntax: POT_NUMBER TYPE:VALUE or POT_NUMBER TYPE:VALUE DEFAULT=DEFAULT_VALUE # POT_NUMBER must be between 1 and 8 # TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", "NRPN", or "NULL" (this won't assign the pot). # Non explicitly-defined pots will be considered "NULL" # VALUE VALIDATION #### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119 #### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored #### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4 #### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14 # DEFAULT VALUE #### For CC: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 127 #### For PB: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number between 0 and 16383 #### For NRPN: DEFAULT_VALUE must be a valid number, either between 0 and 127 (for 7 bit NRPNs) or between 0 and 16383 (for 14bit NRPNs) #### For CV: DEFAULT_VALUE must be either a valid number between 0 and 65535, or a voltage between -5V and 5V, e.g. "-4.25V" or "1.7V" #### Please note default value will be ignored for PB and AT messages. [ASSIGN] [/ASSIGN] # AUTOMATION # Syntax: TYPE:VALUE # TYPE can be "CC", "PB" (pitchbend), "AT" (aftertouch), "CV", or "NRPN" # VALUE VALIDATION #### For CC: Value must be a valid number between 0 and 119 #### For PB and AT, any text after the TYPE will be ignored #### For CV, value must be between 1 and 4 #### For NRPN, value must be MSB:LSB:DEPTH, with both lsb & msb bebtween 0 and 127, and DEPTH being either 7 or 14 # NOTE: You are limited to 64 automation lanes [AUTOMATION] [/AUTOMATION] # This section will be readable from Hapax. [COMMENT] [/COMMENT]