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Each track can have up to 8 effects. Notes played on an external controller or recorded in a pattern are processed and sent to the outputs in real–time by the effect engines. All the effects are non-destructive, and can handle polyphony.

The position of an effect in the chain is very important: an Harmonizer placed after an Arpeggiator will not sound like an Arpeggiator placed after an Harmonizer. Please note that it is possible to add multiple effects of the same engine on the same track (e.g. chaining two arpeggiators).

Every effect parameter can be edited in real-time via CC message and CV inputs, thanks to the modMatrix.
Press  Y  in  effects  mode to access the modMatrix.
Effect list

ARPEGGIATOR generates looping arpeggiated patterns from incoming notes.

CHANCE plays or skips a note based on probability, in order to add variations to drum patterns and melodies.

ECHO creates copies of incoming notes, simulating an audio delay effect by using velocity MIDI data to decrease volume.

ENVELOPE generates an AHDSR envelope (attack/hold/decay/sustain/release) triggered every time a note comes through it.

EUCLID generates rich polymetric rhythmic patterns.

FILTER filters out a range of notes or modulation values.

LFO generates different types of high resolution waveforms.

GLIDE interpolates note pitch.

HARMONIZER turns single notes into chords.

NOTE TO CC transforms notes and velocities into CC messages.

MOD TO NOTE transforms modulation into notes.

RANDOM randomly alters notes velocity/pitch/octave.

RATCHET truncates an incoming note into multiple notes.

SCALE quantizes incoming notes to a given scale.

SWING shifts the positions of incoming notes to produce groove variations.
Basic actions


To add an effect, Select an empty effect slot logo plus by scrolling with the encoder, then Press the encoder to enter the effect selection menu:

Select the desired effect and Press the encoder to confirm.

 Tip  Hold an empty effect pad matrix pads to quickly select this slot and enter the "add effect" menu.


Select an effect and Press the encoder to enter the effect's parameters menu:

Select an effect and Hold the encoder to enter the effect's contextual menu, which includes actions such as EDIT, COPY, DELETE, ...

To paste an effect in an empty slot logo plus : Select the slot and Hold the encoder to access the contextual menu. You can then select the PASTE option. You can also paste effects from tracks to tracks.

 Tip  Hold an existing effect pad matrix pads to quickly select this slot and enter the "edit effect" menu.

 Tip  While being in the "edit effect" menu, simply Press a pad to quit this menu.
Mute/unmute effects
There are two types of mute states in Hermod+ :


Press a pad matrix pads to mute/unmute the corresponding effect locally. As this effect will only be muted in the current sequence, this action is a pattern mute.


Hold  effects  and Press a pad matrix pads to mute/unmute the corresponding effect globally. In this case, the effect will be muted across all sequences.

FX 1 is muted globally (GLOBAL MUTE), FX 2 is muted locally (PATTERN MUTE) and FX 3 is enabled.
Pattern values
While a track can hold only one effect rack, it is possible to set specific values for effect parameters at a pattern level.

Once an effect has been added in the FX rack, Press the encoder to access its parameters.

To set a pattern value for a parameter, Scroll to highlight it and Hold the encoder to toggle between global value (shared by all patterns) or pattern value (this pattern only).

The OCTAVE parameter is set to +1, only in the pattern 2. Other patterns can hold different values.
The modulation matrix lets you control effect parameters using CV inputs (A, B, C, D) and MIDI CC messages (CC1 to CC119).

To enter the ModMatrix, make sure you are in  effects  mode and Press  Y .

There are 4 slots of modulations available per tracks. To Select a slot, Press the corresponding pads:

... and use the encoder to set the source and the destination value:

Set the "source" input (a midi CC or a CV input) with the encoder. This input will control the assigned parameter.

Set the "effect parameter" to be controlled.

 Note  The modMatrix does not directly control the effect parameters, but it adds an offset to these parameters. So you can still perform with the FX parameters in the  effects  mode, while modulating them with a CV or CC input.

 Tip  By default, CV inputs ranges from -5V to +5V, but other ranges are available from the 'CV/Gate' section of the main settings page.
ModMatrix attenuverter/offset
Each routed modulation input is going through an attenuverter/offset stage before being sent to its destination.

To access this mode, if the modulation is created, Press the corresponding pad:

You can use the encoder to fine tune:
• the ATTENUVERTER, from -100% to 100%. It can attenuate the source signal, and even invert it when the value is negative.
• the POLARITY, useful to increase/decrease (⬅⮕) or to increase only () the destination FX parameter.
• the OFFSET, adjusting the default effect parameter value, when no source is applied.

The horizontal dotted line displays the full modulation range available.
The horizontal line displays the final working range of your destination (that you can fine tune with the above parameters). The dot will move according to the source value.
When the input source varies, you will see the destination parameter value change in real time (and the little dot will move around the working range).
Generates looping arpeggiated patterns from incoming notes.
Direction of the arpeggiated pattern. ORDER will play notes in the order they were played. UP plays the pattern from the lowest note to hightest. RANDOM will play notes in a random order.
 RATE   1/1   ...   1/64 
Speed of the pattern. A rate of 1/4 will play a note of the arppegio every beat.
 OCTAVE   -5   ...   0   ...   +5 
To create octaves progression. If OCTAVE=1 the arpeggiator will play the original pattern, followed by the same pattern one octave higher. If OCTAVE=-2 the arpeggiator will play the original pattern, followed by the same pattern one octave lower, followed by the same pattern two octaves lower.
 GATE   0%   ...   200% 
Determines the note lengths. The maximum value depends on the rate value.
 HUMANIZE   0%   ...   100% 
Adds some randomness to the velocity and gate length.
 RE-TRIG   --   NOTE   8BARS   ...   1BAR   1/2   ...   1/16 
When active, the arpeggiated pattern will restart upon the set interval, or on every added note.
 REPEAT   --   x1   ...   x16 
If enabled, the arpeggiated pattern will loop only for the defined amount of cycles.
Plays or skips a note based on probability, in order to add variations to drum patterns and melodies.
 CHANCE   0%   ...   100% 
If ”0%”, the note will never be played. If ”50%”, the note has a fifty-fifty chance to be played. If ”99%”, the note will almost always be played.
 LOT   --   BAR   BEAT   1/8   1/16   1/24   1/32 
When OFF, each note will "roll a die" to either play or not. When active, rather than evaluate each note individually, the Chance effect groups notes in time intervals, and "roll a die" for that interval. Either the full interval plays, or it does not.
When active, the note will have a probability of being played proportional to its velocity (0-127). Very handy for programming different per note probability.
 SYNC   --   BAR   BEAT   1/8   1/12   1/16   1/24   1/32 
Adds a unique probability per time division. If sync = ”1/4”, all notes that fall precisely on a quarter note will have a special probability of being played, determined by the next parameter, "sync chance".
 SYNC CHANCE   0%   ...   100% 
The probability of a synced note to be played. For example, if sync = ”1/4” and sync chance = ”100%”, all beat notes will be played.

Creates copies of incoming notes, simulating an audio delay effect by using the velocity data to decrease volume.

 TIME   1/1   ...   1/64 
Amount of time between the original notes and the delayed notes.
 REPEAT   0   1   ...   16 
Number of delayed notes.
Enables the MIDI velocity decrease, from the original note to the last delayed note. This fade out can be linear, exponential or logarithmic.
Enables the gate length decrease, from the original note to the last delayed note. This fade out can be linear, exponential or logarithmic.
 FADE PITCH UP   --   +1   +60 
Enables a pitchshifting, up to the desired amount of transposition (for example, +12 will make the last delayed note one octave higher).
 FADE PITCH DOWN   --   –1   –60 
Enables a pitchshifting, down to the desired amount of transposition (for example, –18 will make the last delayed note 18 semitones lower).
 Tip  When using both FADE PITCH UP and FADE PITCH DOWN, the first delayed note will be pitched up, the next one will be pitched down, and so on...
AHDSR envelope, with variable curvature per section, which can be assigned to any destination. It is triggered every time a note comes through it.
 ATTACK   0%   ...   100% 
Determines how quickly your destination will reach its maximum value before entering the Hold phase.
 HOLD   0%   ...   100% 
Holds the attack value at its maximum for a specified time before decay phase. Its default value is set to 0% as hold time is optional.
 DECAY   0%   ...   100% 
The decay phase determines the length of the drop from the peak level to the sustain level of a sound.
 SUSTAIN LEVEL   0%   ...   100% 
Level of the steady state (note ON), until the key is released.
 RELEASE   0%   ...   100% 
The final phase determines the speed at which a sound ends from the moment you release the key.
 DEPTH   0%   ...   100% 
Scales the ENV.
 OFFSET   -100%   ...   100% 
Offsets the entire AHDSR curve.
 CURVE A (ATTACK)   LOG -100%   ...   EXP 100% 
Changes the shape - logarithmic or exponential - of the attack curve.
 CURVE D (DECAY)   LOG -100%   ...   EXP 100% 
Changes the shape - logarithmic or exponential - of the decay curve.
 CURVE R (RELEASE)   LOG -100%   ...   EXP 100% 
Changes the shape - logarithmic or exponential - of the release curve.
 SIDECHAIN   ALL   C#0   ...   C10 
When set to 'ALL', any MIDI note-on message will restart the envelope. When set to a specific note, only note-on messages of the selected note will restart the envelope.

 Tip  When the destination is set to VELOCITY, and the SIDECHAIN is set to a specific note, the sidechain note will not be affected by the envelope. A use case for this is ducking drums when the kick-drum hits, but leaving the kick drum at its full velocity.
When set to 'OFF', a note-off message of the sidechain note will immediately short-circuit the envelope to its release stage, regardless of the current stage.

When set to 'ON', upon receiving a note-off message of the sidechain note, the envelope will wait for completion of the Attack, Hold and Decay stages before going into the Release stage. This results in a consistent timing of the envelope regardless of the length of the sidechain note (besides the sustain stage), making this option particularly suited to trigger envelopes with short notes, or trigs.
 DEST (destination)   MOD   PITCHBEND   AFTERTOUCH   CC0   CC1   ...   CC119 
Selects the CV or MIDI destination of the envelope.

 Tip  When using destination = MOD, set the track layout 2 VOICES ► MONO + MODULATION : the ADSR signal will be sent on the modulation CV voice (the second voice).
Generates rich polymetric rhythmic patterns.
 NOTE   INPUT   C0   ...   C10 
When set to "IN", Euclid will use the incoming notes. For example, if you hold the C, E, and G notes, Euclid will play a major C chord in the chosen rhythm. Alternatively, you can choose to ignore the input, and generate a euclidean rhythm with a fixed note, while incoming notes will be passed on to the next effect, untouched. Adding multiple Euclid effects on the same rack (with different notes) is an easy way to generate complex polymetric rhythms.
 STEPS   1   ...   32 
Sets the length of the euclidean pattern in steps.
 FILLS   1   ...   32 
Sets the amount of filled steps among the total number of steps.
 RATE   1/1   ...   1/64 
Determines the rate at which the euclidean pattern will be played.
 GATE LENGTH   0%   ...   100% 
Sets the gate length of played notes.
 ROTATE   0   ...   31 
Shifts the computed euclidean pattern.
 MOD AMOUNT   0%   ...   100% 
Alternatively increases and shortens the length of played notes, taking into account the 'gate length' parameter.
 MOD SPEED   1/64   ...   128/1 
Sets the speed of the length modulation.
Filters out a range of notes or modulation values.
 NOTE VAL MIN / NOTE VAL MAX   C0   ...   C10 
If "VAL MIN" < "VAL MAX", sets the range of notes that will pass through. If "VAL MIN" > "VAL MAX", sets the range of notes that will be blocked.
 MOD VAL MIN / MOD VAL MAX   0   ...   127 
Similarly to notes, CC messages falling in the defined range can either be passed through, or blocked.
Interpolates note pitch.
Sets the glide curve type.
 GLIDE TIME   0ms   ...   2500ms 
Duration of the glide in milliseconds.
Creates a chord from a single note input.
 ORIGIN   --   ON 
When ON, passes the incoming MIDI notes through, adding the generated chord notes. When OFF, drops the incoming notes, and only outputs the harmonized notes.
 HARMO 1 ... 4   -24   ...   --   ...   +24 
Sets a note to add to the incoming note to form the chord, in relative semitones.
Generate different types of high resolution waveforms.
Selects the waveform of the LFO.
Selects the destination of the LFO.
 SYNC   --   ON 
Selects whether to tie the waveform period to the BPM of the project or not.
 SYNC RATE   1/64   ...   128/1 
Selects the synchronized rate of the LFO.
 UNSYNC RATE   0%   ...   100% 
Increases the frequency exponentially, from 0.1 Hz to 1kHz approximately.
 RANGE   -100%   ...   100% 
Sets the amplitude of the LFO. Negative values invert the waveform.
 PHASE   -180°   ...   180° 
Shifts the starting phase of the LFO.
Mod to note
Creates notes from incoming CC/CV modulations. It uses the CC/CV values coming from the input ports, or from the internal player.
 SAMPLE RATE   SAMPLE/HOLD   1/64   ...   1/1 
If SAMPLE/HOLD is selected, inputed modulation will be "captured" when a note ON is received (from an input port or from the internal player) and a note will be outputed (its gate length will follow the note duration).
If a quantize value is selected (e.g. 1/16), this parameter will set the interval between two captures of the modulation signal value, in sync with the BPM.
 NOTE MIN   C0   ...   C10 
Defines the lowest note that will be generated by the modulation.
 NOTE MAX   C0   ...   C10 
Defines the highest note that will be generated by the modulation.
If ON, the incoming modulation will be passed through. If disabled, only the resulting note will be output.
 Note  This effect is designed to be used on a MONO (NOTE) track, as it will generate monophonic notes.

 Note  This effect will generate notes only if Hermod+ is playing.
Note to CC
Transforms notes and velocities into CC messages.
 CC DESTINATION   0   ...   119 
Sets the CC that will be sent.
Determines the note parameter that will be transformed into a CC value. If 'Note Velocity' is selected, the resulting CC will have the value of the incoming note velocity. If 'Note On/Off', the CC will be set to 127 upon a note ON, and reset upon a note OFF.
 CC MIN VALUE   0   ...   127 
Sets the minimum value that the CC can take.
If ON, the incoming note will be passed through. If disabled, only the resulting CC will be output.
Randomly alters notes velocity/pitch/octave.
 NOTE– / NOTE+   0   ...   12 
Increases the random pitch range downwards and upwards respectively.
For example, an incoming note of 60 (C5) with NOTE– = 1 and NOTE+ = 4 will be randomly transposed to a pitch value between 59 (B4) and 64 (E5).
 OCTAVE– / OCTAVE+   0   ...   5 
Increases the random octave range downwards and upwards respectively. When active, notes will randomly be transposed up or down by octaves, within the selected range.
 VELO– / VELO+   0%   ...   100% 
Increases the random velocity range downwards and upwards respectively.
 LENGTH   0%   ...   100% 
Increases the range of incoming notes lengths by delaying their NOTE OFF messages. At 100%, lengths will be randomly increased up to a whole note (4x 1/4 notes = a bar in 4/4).
 CHANCE   0%   ...   100% 
Per note probability of randomization of the active parameters.
Truncates an incoming note into multiple notes.
 RATE   1/64   ...   1/1 
Sets the output rate of ratcheted notes.
 GATE LENGTH   0%   ...   100% 
Sets the length of ratcheted notes.
 MOD AMOUNT   0%   ...   100% 
Alternatively increases and shortens the length of played notes, taking into account the 'gate length' parameter.
 MOD SPEED   1/64   ...   128/1 
Sets the speed of the length modulation.
Quantizes incoming notes to a given scale.
Divides the scales into families.
Sets the scale that will be the reference for quantizing pitch values for incoming notes.
 KEY   C   ...   B 
Sets the root note of the selected scale.
When an incoming note is out of scale, determines how an out of scale incoming note will be corrected.

For example, if selected scale is C Maj, an incoming out of scale note C# will be processed like:
  • Down : C# scaled to C
  • Up : C# scaled to D
  • Filter : C# is ignored (not played)
  • Odd up : C# scaled to D (odd midi note numbers are scaled up, even numbers are scaled down)
  • Odd down : C# scaled to C (odd midi note numbers are scaled down, even numbers are scaled up)
 TRSP   -36   ...   +36 
Transposes the note before correction.
Shifts the positions of incoming notes to produce rhythmic variations.
 GROOVE   0%   ...   50%   ...   100% 
Percentage of swing.
50% has no effect on notes position.
51% to 100% will delay the off–grid notes position.
49% to 0% will delay the on–grid notes position.
 SYNC   1/1   ...   1/24 
Swing quantisation grid. 1/16 is the classic value.
 ACCENT   0%   ...   100% 
Amount of velocity accent. Emphasizes the off–beat notes when under 50%, and the on–beat notes when above 50%.
 HUMAN   0%   ...   100% 
Slightly randomizes the position of swung notes (humanizer).