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Hapax Complete Manual PDF – English 🇺🇸
Hapax Quickstart PDF – English 🇺🇸 Hapax Quickstart PDF – French 🇫🇷 Hapax Quickstart PDF – Japanese 🇯🇵

Power on
Plug the provided 15V power supply unit and Press the ON/OFF switch.

Hapax will quickly boot and be ready to use.
Sequencer workflow


Hapax can load and play two projects simultaneously: proA and proB. Each project has 16 tracks.


Each track has its own inputs & outputs, its own FX rack and a set of 16 patterns.


A pattern is a loop that contains polyphonic or monophonic notes and/or automation. Each pattern has its own events, length, runmode, effect parameter values, ...
Memo: core architecture
Connecting a synthesizer: configure track input & output
Connect a MIDI or USB cable between the input of your favorite hardware synth and one of Hapax's output.

Hold a  track  to enter Track settings menu and select the output port and the output channel:


Every note of the track, whether coming from the built-in live matrix pads matrix pads, the step sequencer or an external keyboard, will be sent on this output PORT and CHANNEL.


Input PORT: sets up which port the track is listening to.
Input CHANNEL: sets up which channel the track is listening to, depending on the choosen port:
  • -- : the track isn't receiving notes from any port.
  • ALL ACTIVE: the track listens to all input ports, only when this track is active.
  • MIDI A, MIDI B, USB DEVICE, USB HOST, CV/GATE : the track only listens to the selected port. This setting is always active, even when the track is not selected.

Press  step , enter some steps in the piano roll matrix pads, then Press play Play Button : your synth is now playing a sequence.

Or Press  live , then play with the 128-pad matrix matrix pads.
From stop state, pressing Play Button will start the project playback. If you are in a playing state, pressing Play Button will restart all tracks from the beginning.
  • One press on Stop button stops and resets the playback, and disable the recording. It will also send default automation midi values.
  • A second press will send a midi "All Note Off" message to your instruments.
  • A third press will send a midi "All Sound Off" message to instantly silence midi synthesizers.
  • A fourth press will send all patterns midi Program Changes, if configured.
 Tip  From play state, when you are in  step  or  automation  mode, pressing Play Button will restart all tracks to the current page position. From stop state, pressing  2ND  + Play Button will restart all tracks to the current page position.
Working with projects, save & load
Projects proA and proB are accessible directly through their dedicated button. Each of them contains 16 tracks and can be played at the same time.

For smooth transitions you can seamlessly load a project on proB while proA is running for never ending live sets!

Press  proA  or  proB  to select a project.
Hold  proA  or  proB  to enter project settings:

On the right screen, you will also find the save/load menu:

Select a track and configure it
Press one of the 16  track  buttons to select a track. The active track is indicated by a bright steady white light on the corresponding pad.

Hold  track  to enter the track settings menu: midi output, midi input, pattern length, run modes.

Hold  2ND  + Press  track  to enter the secondary settings menu: configure track name, quantize pattern, load instrument definition, import/export midi files, enable project transpose and project scale.

Tweak parameters
The group of 8 encoders always controls the left screen parameters, and the menu encoder controls the right screen:


 Tip  Hold an encoder to reset a parameter to its default value.
 Tip  Hold  2ND  and rotate encoders to scroll faster.
Upper & lower bars
Quick tour of the 4 modes
 live  MODE

Use the 128 pads as a scale keyboard or as a chord generator (to change the livemode, hold live and rotate the menu encoder).
 step  MODE

Use the 128 pads to add or fine tune notes (or drum events) with surgical precision.
 automation  MODE

Use the 128 pads to create midi (or fx) automation.
 pattern  MODE

Perform in sync by using the 128 pads to set the playing pattern of each track. Create sections (group of patterns). Chain sections to build a song.
Live recording
Press record O while playing to capture your live performance, coming either from:
  • the  live  mode keypad matrix pads
  • an external MIDI instrument or controller
  • a modular system sending CV/Gate
  • a computer
You can only record on the currently selected track.
Hold  2ND  + Press  settings  to enter the rec Settings:

Step mode essentials
Press  step  to enter the Step mode.

Press any matrix pad matrix pads to enter a note.

Press it again to delete the note.

Left screen parameters contains the default values for a note. Any newly added note will inherit those values:

The upper-left parameter is the note displayed on the pad matrix's bottom row. By rotating the corresponding encoder, you can scroll up and down in the piano roll view. A viewport on the screen frames the notes displayed on the matrix pads:

Selection: Hold a Step already filled with a note to finetune any parameter. You can also select multiple notes at the same time.
Setting the length of a pattern
Hold a  track  to enter its settings:

Change the length of the active track Pattern with the corresponding encoder.

 Tip  When in Live or Step mode, Hold  2ND  +  +  or  -  to quickly double or halve the track length.

 Tip  When in Live or Step mode, Hold  2ND  + Left arrow button or Right arrow button to quickly double or halve the Track length and duplicate the events of the page.
Mute tracks
Hold  mute  and Press one or more  track  buttons.
Selected Tracks start to flash: they form a mute group.

Release  mute  to apply the mute state on selected tracks.

Track status on leds:

 Tip  Hold  2ND   mute  and Press a track to instantly mute/unmute it. You can also disable the mute group feature in settings MISC.

You can mute tracks independently in  proA  and  proB . For example, your projects mute states can look like:

Mute projects
Hold  mute  and Press  proA  and/or  proB  : the projects will be muted/unmuted at the same time, in sync, at the end of the bar.

A popup will appear, displaying the projects waiting to be muted.

It's the easiest way for mixing projects and perform transitions with perfect timing. Please read the manual page PROJECTS PROJECTS for more info about projects/songs mixing.

 Tip  Hold  2ND   mute  and Press  proA  or  proB  to instantly mute/unmute it.
Track types
By default, the 16 tracks are set to track type POLY.

Hold  step  + Rotate the main encoder to choose the type of the active track, which can either be a Poly track, a Drum track, or an MPE track.

Poly tracks

Best suited to polyphonic or monophonic synthesizers.

 live  mode can either be an isomorphic keyboard, to play notes directly on the pad matrix matrix pads, or a chord generator.

 step  mode is a fully featured step sequencer.

Drum tracks

Designed for grooveboxes and samplers, drum tracks are made of 8 drum lanes, each having their own note values and channels.

 live  mode is a grid of eight zones, one for each lane, divided into 16th velocity levels. Use it to record and add nuances to your beats.

 step  mode is a drum-oriented step sequencer, in which you can edit your drum lanes.

MPE tracks

MPE tracks are used to record and playback MPE performances.

 live  mode is similar to the Poly tracks live mode.

 step  mode offers the same functions as in Poly tracks, but gives you the possibility to edit each expression parameter of any recorded MPE note.
Hold  2ND  +  track  to enter the secondary settings of a track.

Configure the real-time quantization amount/strength of the track with encoders ① and ②, in order to soften the timing imperfections your recording, from -- (quantize disabled) to 1/16.

Quantize OFF :

Quantize 1/16 (strength 100%) :

Quantize 1/16 (strength 50%) :

 Tip  You can also configure a global Quantize for all tracks by holding  proA  or  proB  and enabling Project Quantize (pQUANT).
Project scale
One major feature of Hapax is the ability to set a global scale for each project, which will constrain all notes to the selected pScale. It provides a simpler interface without “wrong” notes.

Hold  proA  or  proB , enable pScale with encoder ① and select your favorite scale and key with encoder ②, ⑤ and ⑥.

Project scale is quantizing harmonies of all tracks:

Usually, Only 7 notes of the selected scale are displayed on the piano roll.

 Tip  You can set a new scale anytime and in real-time, itʼs a great studio tool to color your song.
To undo your last actions, such as parameter changes, new notes, or a recent recording, simply Press the  undo  button.

Hold  2ND  + Press  undo  to redo changes.

You can use undo/redo multiple times until you are back in the desired state.

 Note  Undo/redo is cleared when a pattern change is performed.
Snapshot is both a performance and a studio tool. Hold snapshot to capture the current version of your pattern: notes, automation, parameters...

Then play around with your pattern: change notes, parameters, add automation — you always have the safety net that is your captured pattern. Press snapshot to toggle between your captured version and your working version.

Hold  2ND  + Press  fill  to display assignments on the left screen.

This submode allows you to remap the 8 encoders to any MIDI message, CV output or FX parameter of your choosing: Press one of the 8 encoders and select the destination.

Each track has its own set of 8x assignments. Perfect for using Hapax as a midi controller, or doing automation knob-recording with midi messages.

 Tip  If you assign to a MIDI message, it will be interpreted as though it came from an external controller, meaning you can do knob-recording!
Project tempo


Press  bpm  to open the BPM popup and:
  • Rotate the menu encoder to change the BPM value.
  • Press the menu encoder to select the after-decimal digits, then Rotate to fine-tune the BPM.


Press  2ND  + regularly tap  bpm  button to set the tempo:

Time elasticity (phasing)

While BPM changes the global playback speed of both projects, you can use the time elasticity feature to change the playback speed of each track individually.
Press  bpm  to enter BPM popup. Toggle menu encoder until elasticity % is highlighted. Then Rotate menu encoder to change elasticity value (you can also fine-tune the last digits).
For example, if the global BPM is set to 120.00, and you are working on track 01:
  • set elasticity to 50%: track 01 playback is two times slower = 60 BPM
  • set elasticity to 200%: track 01 is two times faster = 240 BPM
  • set elasticicity to 100.50%: track 01 is slightly faster and will slowly drift out of phase with the other tracks. Phasing is the main concept used in "Steve Reich - Piano Phase".
In Hapax, time elasticity is a way to achieve polyrhythms (two rhythms being played concurrently).


Hapax can simultaneously receive MIDI from all 16 channels of each of its 4 inputs: in A, in B, usb host (usually a controller), usb device (usually a computer).

It represents a total of 64 MIDI in channels, plus the two Cv in that can be used as a CV/Gate input.

To link an external midi controller (sending midi events like notes, cc, pitch, ...) to one Hapax track, Hold a track and select the input/channel.

To sync Hapax with an external source (make Hapax follow the BPM and play/stop), press settings, enter sync in and set the clock source.


Hapax can simultaneously send MIDI to all 16 channels of each of its 6 outputs: A, B, C, D, usb host (usually a controller), usb device (usually a computer).
This allows for a total of 96 MIDI out channels, plus the 4 pairs of CV/Gate outputs.

To link one Hapax track to a synthesizer, a drum machine, a Eurorack system, another sequencer... : Hold a track pad and select the output/channel.

To send sync messages to midi (or gates) outputs: press settings and enter sync output.
HAPAX overview