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Pattern mode

Patterns overview
Once your tracks are created, the  pattern  mode enables you to play with 256 patterns (16 patterns per track) and to arrange them into a song.

Each Pattern is a loop that contains polyphonic or monophonics notes and automation. Patterns hold their own events, lengths, runmodes, effect parameter values, ...

Unlike most sequencers, Hapax can assign a different pattern to each individual track: you can have track 01 play pattern 3 and, at the same time, have track 02 play pattern 4.
On the matrix pads, each column holds the 16 patterns for each of the 16 tracks:

 NEW!  8 patterns are displayed at a time. To view the other patterns, Press Left arrow button or Right arrow button to scroll the pattern list by single increments. You can also jump between the two pages of 8 patterns with a Press of Down arrow button or Up arrow button. The left screen indicates the patterns that are currently shown on the pads.

 Tip  From any mode : Hold  pattern  + any matrix pad to quickly select (and instantly launch) the pattern you want to edit.
Pattern mode has different playback types to choose from, using encoder ① :

To manually perform with patterns (default).

Please refer to the Song chapter belowbelow.
Patterns progress bars
On the left screen, you can see a progress bar for the current pattern of each track, playing in concurrency. As each pattern have its own length, the progression % may be different, leading to polymetric effects.

This screen also displays the content of your tracks. In the upper example:
  • Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 16 contain notes
  • Track 5 contains notes and automations
  • Track 6, 7 only contains automations
  • Track 9 only contains drum events
  • Track 13 only contains MPE notes
  • Other tracks are empty (no events in any patterns)
The 16 squares on the right of the screen are indicating the 8 patterns that are currently displayed by the pad matrix. In the below, the matrix pad are showing patterns 2 to 9:

Launching patterns
There are 2 ways to launch patterns:
  • Press a matrix pad to select the playing patterns of a track.
  • Press one of the 8  row  buttons to simultaneously launch the 16 patterns of the row.
    This is the classic sequencer workflow, where one sequence = a set of 16 parameters
Synchronized pattern changes
In order to ensure proper musical timing in regard to pattern changes, pattern mode has a SYNC option. This allows you to schedule a change, for it to occur perfectly on the next beat, the next bar, or whichever time division you choose.

Rotate encoder ③ to set the sync division. When the sequencer is playing, a scheduled pattern led will blink, indicating that it is waiting for the next sync division to be launched.

 Tip  When using SYNC = PTRN, the new pattern will be launched when reaching the current one's end.

On the left screen, a bar is showing the progression % of the selected sync:

Muting a pattern
 NEW!  To mute a single pattern, Hold  mute  and Press a pad containing a pattern. Repeat the action to unmute it, or simply press the pad.

A muted pattern will never output any midi event, either coming from an external controller, the live mode, the step mode or midi effects.

 Tip  Selecting an empty pattern is an other easy way to cut a certain track. Please note that this method does not mute incoming messages, or messages generated by effects.
Editing pattern parameters
Like  step  and  automation  modes,  pattern  mode responds to single and multiple selections. You can only edit multiple patterns at once if they belong to the same track.

Hold a pad to edit a specific pattern's parameters, namely:
Program change midi messages to be sent when transitioning to this pattern. Optional extended PC logic with MSB/LSB. To access extra options, Press encoder ①.
"RESTART" will reset the new pattern position to its beginning after a pattern change. Default value "FREE" will keep the previous pattern position : the playhead will not jump.
 COLOR   RGB1   ...   RGB8 
Sets the color of the selected pattern, or group of patterns. The 8 available colors can be edited in the palette, under the MISC settings.
 LENGTH   1 STEP   ...   32 BARS 
Sets the duration of the pattern, in 16th notes (steps).Hold and Rotate encoder ③ to access finer increments and odd pattern lengths.
Sets the pattern playback mode. It can be played forward, in reverse, in ping-pong, or randomly (every bar, every beat, every 16th note).
 Note  The first 4 parameters, PC, TRIG, LENGTH and RUN can also be accessed to by a  track  Hold.

 Note  The other parameters, FOLLOW LENGTH, FOLLOW 1 and FOLLOW 2 are detailed in the next section, 'Pattern follow actions'.

 Tip  Press  2ND  while making a selection to extend it to the whole column.
Pattern follow actions
 NEW!  By using follow actions you can automate pattern triggering and add some randomness to your patterns launches. When a follow action is set within a pattern, this pattern will apply the chosen action at the end of the pattern playback.
Each action applies within a contiguous group of patterns. For example, if the first 3 patterns have the follow action set to NEXT, they will cycle within this group.
In  pattern  mode, Hold one or multiple patterns of a track to access their parameters.

Rotate encoder ⑦ to choose a condition :
No follow action.
Triggers the next pattern in the group. Circles back to the first pattern if called by the last pattern of the group.
Same as NEXT, but triggering the previous pattern in the group.
Triggers any pattern within the group.
Same as ANY, but never retrigs the same pattern twice.
Jumps to the first pattern of the group.
Jumps to the last pattern of the group.

 Tip  Hold + Rotate encoder ⑦ to set the probability of this FOLLOW ACTION to happen. This action will automatically balance with FOLLOW 2 chance percentage.
 FOLLOW 2   --   NEXT   ...   LAST 
Rotate encoder ⑧ to choose a condition. The actions are the same as in FOLLOW 1. Set the two FOLLOW ACTIONS and adjust their probabilities to create probabilistic jumps.
 FOLL LEN   1 STEP   ...   32 BARS 
By default, FOLLOW ACTIONS will be triggered at the end of a pattern (pattern length).
Rotate encoder ⑥ to set a new duration for the FOLLOW ACTION jumps.
Hold + Rotate encoder ⑥ to define finer increments. (steps)
 Tip  The trig mode (FREE/RESTART) can be used in conjunction with follow actions. For example, the default FREE mode allows for conditional jumps from one pattern to another without restarting them.
Copy, paste, delete & move patterns
To copy a pattern, Hold  copy  + Press a pad.
To paste a pattern, Hold  paste  + Press a pad.
To delete a pattern, Hold  delete  + Press a pad.
To move a pattern, Hold a pattern + Press Up arrow button or Down arrow button.

 Note  It is possible to copy a pattern and paste it to a different track.

 Tip  To copy an entire row of patterns across all tracks, Hold  copy , and Press a  row  button. Then, you can Hold  paste  and Press the destination  row  to paste those patterns.
Sections overview
While the matrix pads are very convenient to perform patterns by hand, more control might be desired using written SECTIONS.

A section is a precise arrangement of patterns.

Let's see some examples:

We need a section called "Intro", with track 1 to track 4 playing pattern 2, and other tracks playing pattern 1.
On the grid, it would look like :


Now we need a section called "Verse", with track 1 to track 3 playing pattern 1, and the other tracks playing pattern 2.
On the grid, it would look like :

Creating & launching sections
Sections and song configuration options are displayed on the right screen of the  pattern  mode. The section tab is the pool of saved sections:

A section = a state of patterns:

Creating a section

To create a new section, first use the grid to choose the desired arrangement of patterns for the section.

Then, Rotate the main encoder and scroll to SAVE SECTION. You will be prompted to choose a name for the section. Once saved, the section is added in your pool of available sections.

 Note  By default, sections are named "section A", "section B", and so on.

Launching a section

To launch a section, (recall all pattern states for the 16 tracks), Rotate the main encoder to select the section, then Press the main encoder.

 Note  Similarly to manual pattern changes, sections are launched in sync, according to the SYNC parameter.
Editing a section
Scroll to an existing section and Hold  2ND  + Press the main encoder to open the section context menu, which offers the following options:
Resets the song cursor to this section.
Replaces the previous pattern arrangement with the current one.
Allows to change the name of the section.
Allows to rearrange this section's position within the song.
Removes this section from the song.
Song overview
A Song is an arrangement of previously created sections. This makes it very easy to create complex songs using sections as building blocks, for example --intro x1 --verse x2 --chorus x1 --verse x4 ...

When the pattern mode is in song mode, the song will automatically play sections in order, and schedule the next sections in advance. Any manual change performed on the grid will still occur, but will eventually be overriden by the song's next scheduled section.

To toggle between section tab and song tab, simply Press  pattern .
Creating a song
First, Press  pattern  once to enter the song tab.

 Note  You need to create at least one section to start creating a song.

Then, to add a section, scroll to the desired position and Press the main encoder. You will be prompted to choose the section to add, and its desired duration at this point in the song.


 Tip  When selecting the duration, you can Hold and Rotate the main encoder for more resolution, enabling very short sections and polymeters.

 Tip  You can use the same section multiple times.
Playing a song
On the left screen, use encoder ① to select one of the song modes :
The song will stop playback when reaching its end.
The song will play in an infinite loop.
Press the Play Button button to start the song playback.

 Tip  When a song is playing, it is possible to set the mode to PERFORM : the song playback will be paused, allowing you to do live improvisation, manual pattern changes, ... Then you can go back to PLAY SONG or LOOP SONG to continue the song playback.
Editing a song
Scroll to an existing section in the song and Press the main encoder to open the context menu :
Schedules this section in the song list.
Sets the duration of the section in the song.
Allows to rearrange this section position within the song.
Deletes this section from the song.