This mode lets you easily perfom with mutes of your 32 tracks in the same view (16–track × 2–project). You can also solo tracks, temporary toggle the final state and enable multitrack recording.
The left screen is showing the 16–track states of the project proA , while the right screen is showing proB :
The vertical vumeters are showing midi activity (number of notes currently playing) per tracks:
The icons M (mute), S (solo), T (temporary toggle), and R (multitrack recording) are showing the track states when highlighted:
Thanks to the 128 pads, you get a direct access to the M S T R of your 32 tracks. The top rows represents the states of the project proA , while the bottom rows represents proB :
Mute tracks
Press the MUTE row pads to instantly mute/unmute tracks of proA and proB .
A muted track will highlight its pad:
Tip If a track has midi activity (notes are currently playing), its mute pad will blink if the track is unmuted.
Solo tracks
Press the SOLO row pads to instantly solo/unsolo tracks of proA and proB .
If a track is solo, every other tracks will be silent. Only the solo track will play, even if this track is muted.
A solo track will highlight its pad:
Tip Hold a SOLO pad and Press other pads to solo multiple tracks.
Temporary toggle
Press the TOGGLE row pads to temporary toggle the track state (silent or playing) of proA and proB . In other words, pressing toggle will momentary invert the mute state of the track.
Releasing the pad will untoogle the state.
A track toggle will highlight its pad:
In the example above: • the proA TR01 is toggled: this track will be silent, as it was unmuted. • the proA TR02 is toggled: this track will be playing, as it was muted. • the proA TR03 is toggled: this track will be silent, as it was muted but solo (and solo override the mute state).
But thanks to this mode, you will be able to configure the multitrack recording.
Press the REC row pads to "arm" the recording state of your 16–track per project:
Then, pressing O will record your performance on all previously selected tracks. Of course, tracks will start to record only if there is MIDI or CV/GATE routed to their inputs.
Tip After "arming" your tracks, you can quit the Mixmute mode and multitrack O from any other mode.
Note Dual–project recording is not possible. Only the active project will allow its tracks to be recorded.
Note If the multitrack recording is enabled (at least one track is armed), the active track will not be recorded, only the armed tracks will be recorded.