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Toggle  settings  and navigate the parameters to configure Hapax according to your needs.

Select the SAVE icon to store settings onto the SD card : they will be loaded at startup. Settings are global and are used by both projects proA and proB.
Sync input
 INTERNAL  Hapax will use its internal clock (to be the synchronisation leader).
 MIDI IN A  Hapax will follow the midi A clock input.
 MIDI IN B  Hapax will follow the midi B clock input.
 USB HOST  Hapax will follow the usb host clock input.
 USB DEVICE  Hapax will follow the usb device clock input.
 CV IN 1  Hapax will follow an analog gate input, if onnected on the CV input 1.
 CV IN 2  Hapax will follows an analog gate input, if connected on the CV input 2.
 MIDI AUTO  Hapax will automatically follow an incoming clock (MIDI and USB). If no input clocks are detected, Hapax will use its internal clock.

 Tip  When using CV IN 1 or CV IN 2, Hapax is synchronized in a "step advance" (trigger) style. The setting CV CLOCK DIV lets you choose how much ppqn the sequencer will run for one input trig. Please note that you also need to set the tempo thanks to the BPM popup, allowing a great flexibility. For example, if you want to sync Hapax with an external eurorack sequencer analog clock, running at 140bpm and sending a gate each 1/16, you need to set CV CLOCK DIV = 1/16 (4ppqn) and set Hapax tempo to 140 BPM.
 --  Start and stop Hapax only with Play Button and Stop button pads.
 ON (CLOCK INPUT)  Hapax receives & reacts to midi in start/stop messages (on same input as CLOCK SOURCE, that must be set to an external source).
 ON (ANY INPUT)  Hapax receives & reacts to midi in start/stop messages. All inputs can receive these messages (even when CLOCK SOURCE is set to INTERNAL).
 CV IN 1  Use an analog gate on CV input 1 to reset the playback position.
 CV IN 2  Use an analog gate on CV input 2 to reset the playback position.
 AUTO  If CLOCK SOURCE = CV IN, Hapax will automatically reset its player when not receiving an incoming CV clock for more than 2 seconds. This setting will also allow the player to automatically start the player when an incoming clock is received.
 CV IN 1  Use an analog gate on CV input 1 to start the playback. A high state will run the sequencer, a low state will stop & reset the playback.
 CV IN 2  Use an analog gate on CV input 2 to start the playback. A high state will run the sequencer, a low state will stop & reset the playback.
 CV CLOCK DIV   1/96 = 24 PPQN   1/64 = 16 PPQN   1/48 = 12 PPQN   1/32 = 8 PPQN   1/16 = 4 PPQN   1/8 = 2 PPQN   1/4 = 1 PPQN 
When the above option CLOCK SOURCE = CV, sets the expected speed of the incoming clock.
 Note  This parameter is displaying 2 different units, meaning the same thing. The first one is the time division (e.g. 1/16) : it's the expected rate of the clock. The second one is the expected number of pulses per quarter note (e.g. 4 PPQN).
Sync output
 --  Do not transmit clock, start and stop messages to the selected midi output.
 CLOCK+TRANSPORT  Send midi clock + start/stop to the selected midi output.
 CLOCK  Send only midi clock to the selected midi output.
 TRANSPORT  Send only midi start/stop to the selected midi output.
 --  Send midi clocks only when Hapax is playing.
 SEND  Always send midi clocks, even when hapax is stopped.
 SEND (ONLY MIDI)  Always send midi clocks on midi ports, even when hapax is stopped.
 SEND (ONLY GATE)  Always send midi clocks on gate outputs, even when hapax is stopped.
 DIN SYNC   --   1/96   ...   1/1 
Set the DIN-sync analog clock pulse resolution (also known as Sync24, enable some vintage gear synchronization, like the TR-808) available on midi output C port. When a clock value is set, this DIN-sync port also send the start/stop message.
 Tip  When using Hapax DIN-sync to synchronize some units (TR-909, TR-808, ...) it may be preferable to use a special DIN-5 connector with pins 4 and 5 disconnected: these pins are used to transport midi data and may cause sync issues with some machines.
 GATE RUN   --   GATE 1 (RUN = HIGH)   ...   GATE 4 (RUN = HIGH)   GATE 1 (RUN = LOW)   ...   GATE 4 (RUN = LOW) 
When RUN = HIGH, selected gate output will be set to high level when Hapax is playing and low level when Hapax is stopped. When RUN = LOW, selected gate output will be set to low level when Hapax is playing and high level when Hapax is stopped.
 TRIG RESET   --   GATE 1 (ON START)   ...   GATE 4 (ON START)   GATE 1 (ON STOP)   ...   GATE 4 (ON STOP) 
Selected gate output will trig (for a few ms) a high level signal, either at the at the start of playback, or at the end (on stop).
 GATE CLOCK   --   GATE 1   ...   GATE 4 
Selected gate will output a synchronisation clock, with a 50% duty cycle.
 GATE CLOCK DIV   1/96   1/64   1/48   1/32   1/16   1/8   1/4   1/2   1/1 
When the above option GATE CLOCK is enabled: sets the speed/resolution of the clock.
Display hapaxOS version and real-time CPU usage.
Enter the color palette mode, to customize RGB leds colors thanks to encoders ①...⑧ (read section color palette).
Access to screen hardware settings. These settings have been configured to reduce flickering when filming HAPAX. If you don't plan on filming, you should keep the default settings.
 MIDI  If metronome enabled in the rec settings, the metronome will be send thanks to MIDI notes messages.
 CV OUT 1/2/3/4  If metronome enabled in the rec settings, the selected CV output will output an audio sound that you can directly plug to your mixing console or portable speaker.
Only applicable if the previous METRONOME setting is set to MIDI. Choose which MIDI output+channel should be used to send the metronome note messages.
Only applicable if the previous METRONOME setting is set to AUDIO. Choose the metronome audio output level (100% = 10Vpp = eurorack level, 30% = 3Vpp = professional line level).
 METRONOME BAR   C0   ...   C6   ...   G10 
MIDI note to play on the first beat of the bar.
 METRONOME BEAT   C0   ...   C6   ...   G10 
MIDI note to play on other beats of the bar.
 TRANSPOSE ROOT   C0   ...   C6   ...   G10 
Set the “center note” defining TRSP = +0 (no transposition). Works only is pTRSP=TRSP is enable on your project.
 pTRSP SYNC   INSTANT   BEAT   1 BAR   ...   4 BARS 
Choose the time interval on which transposition should be synced to. Works for pTRSP=TRSP (classic transpose) and pTRSP=CHRD (match chord).
Choose the time interval on which pressing play (when Hapax is already running) should restart the player. Useful to synchronize a restart to a beat, a bar, ... when live performing.
 New!  Sets the default value of a pattern trig mode.
 LED BRIGHTNESS   0%   ...   100% 
Adjust leds brightness level to best match your environment.
 SCREEN CONTRAST   0%   ...   100% 
Adjust screen contrast to best match your environment.
Change the time for a button press to be registered as a Hold action.
 OFF  Instant track mute.
 ON  When muting tracks, enables group selection: all tracks mute states will be toggled after the mute pad release.
 OFF   In  step  mode, a new bar is a continuation of the previous one.
 ON   In  step  mode, a new bar is always on a new page (useful for odd time signatures).
 Note  This is an advanced setting, default value ON is probably what you need.
 OFF  When unmuting a track, notes currently played by the playhead are not retrigged.
 ON  Retrig notes that should be playing when unmuting a track.
Determines the behaviour of the  +  and  -  buttons during a  step  mode multiple-events selection.
 BACKGROUND RGB LIVE   0%   ...   100% 
Adds a colored preview of notes in the background of the 128-pad Matrix (when in  live  mode SCALE).
 BACKGROUND RGB STEP   0%   ...   100% 
Adds a colored preview of notes in the background of the piano-roll. (when in  step  mode POLY and MPE).
Configure the MIDI MONITOR mode, in order to log all messages, or only the selected midi events.
When enabled, outputs a short note upon creating a new event in  step  mode, or modifying the pitch/velocity of an existing event.
When enabled, incoming sustain pedal messages (MIDI CC 64) will directly affect the note lengths. When the sustain pedal CC is high (pedal is pressed), all note-off events are held.
 Note  When this option is turned on, all inbound MIDI CC 64 messages will be consumed, and not be forwarded down the effects chain.
 Note  This does not apply to outbound MIDI CC 64 messages.
Click here for more information.
While PLAY is active and this setting is enabled, the piano-roll automatically jumps to display the currently played page.
Disable this option if you prefer to keep a manual navigation between pages, only using Left arrow button or Right arrow button.
When enabled, the last saved project will be automatically loaded when the unit is powered on.
Determines the time to wait before starting the screensaver when no action is performed on the unit.
Enables debugging shortcuts for extra error messages.
 Tip  When enabled, Press  2ND  +  pattern  to save in the SD card a screenshot of the 2 OLED displays.
CV/Gate + pedal
 CV IN RANGE   -5.0v > +5.0v   0.0v > +5.0v   -1.0v > +1.0v 
Set the input voltage range Hapax can process, for the two CV inputs.
 CV OUT RANGE   -5.0v > +5.0v   0.0v > +5.0v 
Set the voltage range Hapax can output, for the 4 CV outputs.
Some synthesizers responds to different standards than the classic V/OCTAVE (used by Eurorack modules and by most modular systems).
The 1.2V/OCTAVE is mainly use by Buchla compatible systems.
 New!  The HZ/V is an older standard used by Korg MS and Yamaha CS among others.

As Hapax hardware CV outputs have a range of -5V to +5V, it allows 10 octaves of V/OCTAVE notes, 8 octaves of 1.2V/OCTAVE notes, and only 3 octaves of HZ/V notes. The list below describes the notes availables when using the HZ/V standard, comparing to V/OCTAVE values:

C0 = -5V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C1 = -4V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C2 = -3V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C3 = -2V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C4 = -1V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C5 = +0V V/OCTAVE = -5V HZ/V (lowest note)
C6 = +1V V/OCTAVE = -4V HZ/V
C7 = +2V V/OCTAVE = -2V HZ/V
C8 = +3V V/OCTAVE = +2V HZ/V
F8 = +3.42V V/OCTAVE = +4.68V HZ/V (highest note)
C9 = +4V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
C10 = +5V V/OCTAVE = out of range HZ/V
Set the gate ON level (5V or 0V).
When a new note is played while a note was already playing, determines whether the gate is retrigged or not.
Assign a command to execute when using a footswitch. Pedal hot is the tip channel of the cable, available on mono (single) and stereo (dual) pedals.
Assign a command to execute when using a footswitch. Pedal cold is the ring channel of the cable, available on stereo (dual) pedals.
Midi input
 --  Accepts all incoming midi notes
 IGNORE  Ignores all incoming midi notes
 REC ONLY  Ignores but allow record (avoid midi echo)
 --  Accepts all incoming midi CC
 IGNORE  Ignores all incoming midi CC
 REC ONLY  Ignores but allow record (avoid midi echo)
 --  Accepts all incoming midi pitchbend
 IGNORE  Ignores all incoming midi pitchbend
 REC ONLY  Ignores but allow record (avoid midi echo)
 --  Accepts all incoming midi aftertouch
 IGNORE  Ignores all incoming midi aftertouch
 REC ONLY  Ignores but allow record (avoid midi echo)
 --  Accepts all incoming midi PC
 IGNORE  Ignores all incoming midi PC
Allows for routing MIDI messages to the active track regardless of the track's input parameters.
 ACTIVE TRACK CHANNEL   01   ...   16 
When the previous setting "Active Track Port" is active, this sets the channel which messages should be sent to the active track.
Midi thru

When Midi thru is enabled, between an input and an output it forwards instantly any Midi event (including notes, Cc...) directly to the selected output.
 ON  Configure MIDI thru from the MIDI inputs to any selected MIDI output.
 ON  Configure MIDI thru from the MIDI inputs to any selected MIDI output.
 ON  Configure MIDI thru from the USB device input to any selected midi output.
 ON  Configure MIDI thru from the USB device input to USB host output.
 ON  Configure MIDI thru from the USB host input to any selected midi output.
 ON  Configure MIDI thru from the USB host input to USB device output.

Some hardware machines (MIDI or USB) and some software plug-ins may introduce latency. Hapax can compensate for these delays with the latency compensation, so all your notes and automation are dispatched and arrive with the best possible timing. Even the clocks/transports messages can be compensated separately, so your external gear will perfectly follow Hapax synchronization.

This latency compensation values are set in ms (milliseconds), and it can be negative value (midi will be sent early) or positive value (midi will be sent late). They have to be globally configured per outputs (MIDI A, MIDI B, ...) and per channels (CH01 .. CH16), as each output/channel corresponds to one of your instruments.

For example, if you are using a synthesizer introducing latency in your song (you are hearing a small delay when playing with it), set a negative compensation value on its channel/output, so its midi events will be sent earlier than the other.

These compensation values are saved with the settings and will be loaded at startup, so every project will use the same settings.
 MIDI OUT A (CH01, CH02, ...)   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   +1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation per channel, for notes and automation.
 MIDI OUT A CLOCK   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   +1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation for real-time messages (not specific to a MIDI channel).
 MIDI OUT B (CH01, CH02, ...)   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation per channel, for notes and automation.
 MIDI OUT B CLOCK   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   +1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation for real-time messages (not specific to a MIDI channel).
 MIDI OUT C (CH01, CH02, ...)   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation per channel, for notes and automation.
 MIDI OUT C CLOCK   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   +1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation for real-time messages (not specific to a MIDI channel).
 MIDI OUT D (CH01, CH02, ...)   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation per channel, for notes and automation.
 MIDI OUT D CLOCK   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   +1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation for real-time messages (not specific to a MIDI channel).
 USB DEVICE (CH01, CH02, ...)   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation per channel, for notes and automation.
 USB DEVICE CLOCK   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   +1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation for real-time messages (not specific to a MIDI channel).
 USB HOST (CH01, CH02, ...)   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation per channel, for notes and automation.
 USB HOST CLOCK   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   +1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation for real-time messages (not specific to a MIDI channel).
 CV/GATE OUT (1...4)   -500MS   ...   -1MS   0MS   1MS   ...   +500MS 
Compensation for each CV/GATE output pairs, for notes and automation.
 Note  Midi events can't be delayed in the past, so when using negative values, the lowest negative value will make the selected channel/output as the 'not delayed' channel/output. But the other channels/outputs will be delayed.
If OUTA CH01 = -10ms, OUTA CH02 = -4ms, OUTA CH03 = 0ms, and OUTA CH04 = +10ms :
OUTA CH01 events will not be delayed, OUTA CH02 will be delayed by 6ms, OUTA CH03 by 10ms, and OUTA CH04 by 20ms.

 Tip  In the TRACK HOLD menu, you can see the compensation value of the selected track when the combination of output/channel match the setting (under CHANNEL).

Color Palette
Under  Palette  you will be able to finetune custom HSL led colors. This is very usefull if you already have strong synesthetic habits.

Toggle  settings  button and enter "Settings > MISC > Palette".

You will see the colour chart on the matrix pads (a HSL color is made of 3 elements: hue, saturation and lightness).
For customizing colors of Hapax RGB leds. This parameter allows you to scroll among all assignables palettes with encoder ①, and then scroll between the type of color you want to edit with encoder ⑤ :

 NOTES  Each of the 12 notes, from C to B.

 MISC  Miscellaneous colors:
SELECTION : selections on the 128 pad-matrix.
MUTED : muted notes.
VOID : automation events of "void lane" (no destination set).
DISABLED : disabled areas (loop points, out of pScale).

 DRUMS  Each of the 8 lanes, from 8 to 1.

 AUTOM  Automation colors:
REGULAR : automation regular events.
DEFAULT : automation default values.

 PATTERNS  RGB pattern colors from 1 to 8, used when holding a pattern and setting a custom color.

 MIXMUTE  Mixmute page colors:
MUTE : mute active.
!MUTE : unmuted inactive.
SOLO : solo active.
!SOLO : solo inactive.
TOGGLE : toggle active.
!TOGGLE : toggle inactive.
REC : record active.
!REC : record inactive.
 HUE   1%   ...   100% 
Rotate encoder ③ to select the base color of the selected palette item.
 SATURATION   1%   ...   100% 
Rotate encoder ④ to select the saturation of the selected palette item.
 LIGHTNESS   1%   ...   100% 
Rotate encoder ⑦ to select the brightness (distance from black) of the selected palette item.
Midi monitor
Hold  2ND  + Toggle  live  to display the MIDI MONITOR, showing midi in events (left screen) and midi out events (right screen).

How to calibrate the 4 CV outputs
You can fine tune Hapax's 4 analog outputs in order to get a very precise note pitch:

Hold encoder ⑦ encoder while powering on Hapax:CALIBRATE VOICE 1, ADJUST -4V must appears on the screen.

With the help of an accurate voltmeter and a patch cable, measure the CV1 output and rotate the menu encoder to adjust the output voltage (-4.00V).

Click the menu encoder to select and calibrate the next voltage (-3.00V). Repeat this operation for each CV values (-2.00V, -1.00V, 0.00V, 1.00V, 2.00V, 3.00V, 4.00V).

Once you calibrated all the voltages for CV1 output, the next CV output (CV2, CV3, and finally CV4) will be automatically selected. Ajust each voltages of this selected output, always with the help of your voltmeter and by rotating the menu encoder.

At the very end of this procedure, this calibration will be saved in the SD card. Then you can reboot Hapax and start playing with your CV outputs!

 Tip  Hapax outputs -5.00V for a C0 note (midi note 0), -4.00V for a C1 note (midi note 12), -3.00V for a C2 note (midi note 24), ..., 0.00V for a C5 note (midi note 60), ..., 5.00V for a C10 note (midi note 120).
Audio synchronization from a DAW : enable sample-rate precision
If you need a perfect synchronization of Hapax to your computer DAW, it can be done thanks to an incoming audio signal.

Indeed, DAWs often generate jitters and delays on the computer USB midi output, due to the weak real-time architecture of computers OS.

For rock solid synchronization, it's advised to use a dedicated audio output of your computer (sending a clock output signal), if possible using a soundcard with multiple audio ports. Hapax will receive this accurate analog sync signal on one of its CV input, and will relies on it to synchronize its tempo and play/stop features.

This way, you don't have to use a "audio sync to midi" device to connect Hapax with your DAW.

How to enable audio synchronization :
• On your DAW, create a track playing (in a loop) this 1-bar 120BPM audio file (warp it so it will follow your DAW BPM)
• ... or use a synchronization plugin to gererate a sync signal, like the Ableton CV Tools "CV Clock Out"
• Output this audio "clock" signal on a separated port (for example by using a soundcard)
• Make sure the volume of this output is set to maximum level
• Use an audio cable to connect the computer audio output to Hapax CV input 1
• Configure Hapax SYNC IN > CLOCK SOURCE = CV IN 1
• Configure Hapax SYNC IN > CV RESET = AUTO (so Hapax will automatically play when receiving a signal, and will stop no signal is detected)
• Configure Hapax SYNC IN > CV CLOCK DIV (1/64 when using the audio file)
• Set the same BPM for Hapax and your DAW
• Start playing your DAW : Hapax will receive the sync signal and will immediately start to play, with zero jitter.

 Note  do not use any usb midi sync between your DAW and Hapax.

 Tip  if your computer audio output does not deliver a volume high enough to trig the Hapax input clock detection, you can configure Hapax CV/GATE > CV IN RANGE = -1V > +1V