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In any mode
Hold TRACK to activate the following shortcuts:
  • solo
  • midi channel
  • zoom
  • length
  • time signature
To change the BPM decimal, turn
while pressing it.

Hold  2ND  + BPM and turn the data knob
to change the tempo, which will apply only when you release  2ND .

Hold  2ND  and press  <  or  >  to double or divide the BPM quickly.

Once an encoder is assigned, press it to display its set value.

In FX manager, Assign, DISP or Settings, press BPM to exit and return to the current mode.

Hold  2ND  and press LIVE to enable/disable the metronome.

Live Mode
Hold LIVE and rotate
to change the type of the 8 smartpads.
Hold STEP + velocity and rotate
to change the keypad and smartpads velocity. You can also press ASSIGN to enable the ENCODER STEP EDIT feature, in order to set the velocity with the touchpad X axis.
Hold  2ND  and press rec
to activate a hard recording.
When the player is stopped
and you press rec
, Pyramid is waiting for a press on play
. Once you press
a countdown is launched. After one bar of countdown, recording starts and continues until the end of the track loop, at which point recording then stops and the loop continues to play as normal

When smartpads = CHORD,  2ND  + rotating
will jump to the very next major/minor tonality. Add complexity by pressing and rotating

When smartpads = SCALE,  2ND  + rotating
will select the root note of the scale.
 2ND  + play
activate the HOLD/RELATCH mode.
Press  2ND  +  delete  to delete only notes + CC automations + FX automations of the current track.
Step mode
Hold STEP and turn
to change the Stepmode.
Hold  2ND  and rotate
to scroll the note list or the CC list faster.

Pre-listen to the selected note by pressing
. You can also press a key
while holding
to straight select the note number (and pressing  <  or  >  while holding
allows you to jump octaves for a quicker note navigation).
Double tap a step-by-step pad
to add a low velocity note in order to create accents quickly.
In stepmode  NOTE or  CHORD , hold  2ND  and press a pad
to mute all notes in this step.
Hold velocity and slide the touchpad from left to right to quickly set the velocity, the CC value or the FX value.

Hold  <  or  >  to quickly navigate pages.

Press  2ND  and hold  <  or  >  to quickly rotate the track (shift all notes one step left or right).

Press rec
to switch to MONO EDITION, to have a global view of which of the 16 steps are filled with notes. If you press a filled step, it will remove all notes in this step, whatever the selected note is.
In stepmode  NOTE  and  CHORD , hold a step
(or a row of steps) and rotate
to transpose it. Hold rec
and rotate
to transpose the track notes.
In stepmode  CC MESSAGES  and  EFFECTS , hold a step
(or a row of steps) and rotate
to increase/decrease its value. Hold rec
and rotate
to transpose the whole automation.
In stepmode  CC MESSAGES  and  EFFECTS , hold rec
and slide the touchpad to draw an automation.

Press ASSIGN to enable the ENCODER STEP EDIT feature, in order to assign direclty the 5 encoders and the touchpad to shortcuts.

In stepmode  NOTE  or  CC MESSAGES , press STEP to go to the nearest note or CC automation. Press STEP again to go to the next nearest note or CC automation.

In stepmode  NOTE  or  CC MESSAGES , press  2ND  + STEP to activate the filter, in order to scroll only through programmed notes or CC messages. Press  2ND  + STEP again to quit the filter.

Press  2ND  +  DISP to enable/disable the player tracking.

Track mode
Hold  2ND  and select a track
to mute/unmute it instantly.
Hold midi channel and press + rotate
to quickly select the midi output of the track.
Hold length and press + rotate
to set the bar level with beat precision.
Hold time signature and rotate
to change the time signature's upper number on the current track.
Pess rec
in order to don't save the sequence mute states (rec led will be OFF). If you mute or unmute a track, the sequence will not save the mute states.

In DISP view, press  <  or  >  to display the different  track banks (from A to D) on the screen.

Press STEP + TRACK to enter trackmode PATTERNS, tap TRACK or STEP to go back to trackmode MUTES.

Hold STEP and press a pad
to select a pattern (if PTRN is enable on the selected track).
FX manager mode
With the effect manager activated, you can still play or add notes in LIVE and STEP mode, mute/unmute tracks in TRACK mode, and even launch sequences in SEQ mode.
while pressing  2ND  allows you change the position of the selected effect.
In LIVE mode, when you are editing an effect with the 5 encoders
, press rec
to record directly the effect parameters automations.

In the FX mode:
● Press encoder  1  to enter the slot 1 effect.
● Press encoder  2  to enter the slot 2 effect.
● Press encoder  3  to enter the slot 3 effect.
● Press encoder  4  to enter the slot 4 effect.
● Press encoder  2ND  +  1  to on/off the slot 1 effect.
● Press encoder  2ND  +  2  to on/off the slot 2 effect.
● Press encoder  2ND  +  3  to on/off the slot 3 effect.
● Press encoder  2ND  +  4  to on/off the slot 4 effect.

Assign mode
Hold  2ND  and rotate
to scroll the CC list faster.
Save/load mode
Hold  2ND  and rotate
to move the cursor vertically in the SAVE AS... edition display.

In the LOAD project list, press   2ND  +  delete   to remove a project definitively from the SD card (note: the backup project is not removed).